XXIV - Black Holes and the Information Loss Paradox

*Call for Participation*




*XXIV International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics*


07-11 June 2021, University of Urbino


Submission deadline: May 07, 2021.


For further information please write to: cirfis.scuolaestiva@gmail.com


*Call for Participation* 


This is an invitation to participate in the XXIV International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Black Holes and the Information Loss Paradox


The topic of the school is “Black Holes and the Information Loss Paradox” and it will feature lectures given by Daniel Harlow (MIT Center for Theoretical Physics), Erik Curiel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Philosophie); and seminars given by Sebastian de Haro (University of Amsterdam), Christian Wüthrich (University of Geneva), and Patricia Palacios (University of Salzburg).


For more information on the school, including the program, you can visit our website at:




Applications should include:


1) A cover letter

2) A CV


and should be sent by clicking on the "Apply Here!" button on the following page: 




DEADLINE: May 07, 2021.


Notification of acceptance is expected no later than May 14, 2021.



Director of the School: Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)


School Organizers: Enrico Cinti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino) and Marco Sanchioni (University of Urbino)


Organizing Committee:

Mario Alai (University of Urbino)

Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva)

Enrico Cinti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino)

Alberto Corti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino)

Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)

Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino)

Giovanni Macchia (University of Bologna)

Mirko Tagliaferri (University of Urbino)

Gino Tarozzi (University of Urbino)

Isabella Tassani (University of Urbino)

Marco Sanchioni (University of Urbino)

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