XXV - Dualities Between Physics and Philosophy

*Call for Participation* 



*Call for Papers*



*Dualities Between Physics and Philosophy*



*XXV International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics*



06-11 June 2022, University of Urbino



DEADLINE: April 22, 2022.


Notification of acceptance is expected no later than April 29, 2022.



For further information please write to: cirfis.scuolaestiva@gmail.com



This is an invitation to participate in the XXV International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Dualities Between Physics and Philosophy



The school will feature lectures by Jonathan Bain (Department of Technology, Culture and Society/Philosophy Department, NYU), professor Johanna Erdmenger (Physics Department, University of Würzburg), and professor Sebastian De Haro (Philosophy Department, UvA). There will also be a workshop at the end of the school, featuring Jeremy Butterfield (Philosophy Department, University of Cambridge) and Baptiste Le Bihan (Philosophy Department, University of Geneva) as senior speakers. 


Note that at this moment we expect to be able to hold the school in person safely, following all the necessary safety protocols to ensure a safe and optimal learning environment for all participants. However, for those who do not feel safe attending in-person events, keep in mind that the school will be in hybrid format, i.e. there will be an option to follow the school online. 



For more information on the school, including the program, you can visit our website at:






To apply, please fill out the application form available by clicking on the "Apply Here!" button on the following page:






Applications should include:



- A cover letter, detailing the applicant's motivations for applying



- A CV, to assess the suitability of each applicant's background for the school



There will also be a social dinner on Wednesday, June 8th. If you wish to participate please answer accordingly to the corresponding question in the application form. 




Accepted participants must pay a school fee of 70.00 Euros (if attending in person)/30.00 Euros (if attending online).


The school's fee includes program attendance, school materials, and coffee break refreshments. Please note that accommodation, lunch, and dinner are NOT included. This applies also to the social dinner on June 8th, which will have to be paid independently of the school fee. 




You will be able to find cheap accommodation in Urbino and to have lunch and dinner at the university canteen for 10 euros. For information on B&B, Hotels, and more generally on getting to and staying in Urbino, visit:







Director of the School: Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)



School Organizers: Enrico Cinti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino), Marco Sanchioni (University of Urbino)



Organizing Committee:



Mario Alai (University of Urbino)


Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva)


Enrico Cinti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino)


Alberto Corti (University of Geneva, University of Urbino)


Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)


Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino)


Giovanni Macchia (University of Urbino)


Mirko Tagliaferri (University of Urbino)


Gino Tarozzi (University of Urbino)


Isabella Tassani (University of Urbino)


Marco Sanchioni (University of Urbino)



School Staff: Stefano Calboli (University of Minho), Gianluca Curzi (University of Birmingham), Valerio Di Lauro (University of Urbino), Andrea Esposito (University of Urbino), Giovanni Galli (University of Urbino), Stefano Nicoletti (University of Twente), Davide Pietrini (University of Urbino), Stefano Riffelli (University of Urbino).

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